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This summer seems to have flown past at an alarming rate!


Surely it was only yesterday we were frantically gluing crepe paper to balloons for our Mexican Fiesta window? But its time to face up to facts, the nights are chillier, its getting darker that little bit earlier and in no time at all our sandals will have been pushed to the back of the wardrobe.


Fear not! Laura Lee is here to ease you into September. Our new window is inspired by David Hockney, long summer nights, old denim, sunsets, swimming pools, the sand between your toes and bright blue skies. Here at the boutique, we’re feeling nostalgic and also a little bit creative, so CPT set to work with a washing up sponge and a squeezy tube of acrylic paint.cpttriangle

We hope you like the result! Please pop by the shop to say hello and if you live in distant lands, we hope these photographs make you feel a little closer.


Much love


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