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a racy sort of display...

2 days until Madame St Germain causes me to get a little rambunctious in the boutique.

We've been harping on about it all week but finally St Germain Liqueur will be with us in all its elderflowery glory. And to celebrate this momentous union - the lovely Dolly (LLJ Boutique Manager) made our window ever so pretty... and a little bit naughty.

When we found out we'd been teamed with St Germain for London Cocktail Week 2013, we were pretty smug, given Elderflower is a boutique favourite and we do indeed enjoy a tipple. When we saw the beautiful St Germain bottles and the saucy postcards to go with, we were over the moon! For there's nothing we like more than a naughty vintage postcard of a semi nude lady...

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As always with these things, they really do look better in the flesh. So please come by Friday and Saturday night to have a little drinky and a bit of a peep into our window...

Charlie x

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